Kulit jok
  • Perhatikan Perawatan Kulit
    Perhatikan Perawatan Kulit Jul 11, 2022
      Bahan utama kulit sapi, kulit domba, dan kulit babi adalah protein, sehingga rentan terhadap kelembapan, pengelupasan, dan cacingan. Untuk itu, saat mengenakan pakaian kulit, hindari kontak dengan zat berminyak, asam, dan basa. Kulit paling baik sering dipakai dan sering dibersihkan dengan kain flanel halus. Jika Anda mengalami hujan, lembap, atau jamur, Anda dapat menyeka noda air atau bintik jamur dengan kain kering yang lembut. Namun jangan digosok dengan air dan bensin, karena kulit lem air mengeras, dan bensin dapat membuat minyak kulit menguap dan pecah. Kulitnya kusut dan bisa disetrika dengan kipas setrika. Suhu dapat dikontrol antara 60 dan 70 ℃. Gunakan kain katun tipis sebagai pelapis saat menyetrika, dan gerakkan setrika secara bersamaan. Kulit kehilangan kilau, bisa dipoles dengan semir kulit, jangan gunakan semir sepatu untuk menyeka. Sebenarnya, tidak sulit untuk memoles kulit, asalkan Anda menyekanya dengan lembut pada mantel kulit dengan kain yang dicelupkan ke semir dua kali. Umumnya, selama setiap dua atau tiga tahun pada lampu kedua, agar kulit tetap lembut dan mengkilap, dan dapat memperpanjang masa pakai. Jika kulit robek atau rusak, harus diperbaiki tepat waktu. Jika retakan kecil, Anda bisa mengoleskan sedikit putih telur pada retakan tersebut, dan retakan tersebut bisa direkatkan. Saat bahan kulit tidak dipakai, sebaiknya gunakan gantungan baju untuk menyambungnya; tentunya bisa juga ditaruh mendatar, tapi ditaruh di atas pakaian lain, agar tidak remuk dan kusut serta mempengaruhi penampilannya. Kulit harus digantung sebelum dikumpulkan, tidak terkena sinar matahari, dan dapat berventilasi di tempat yang sejuk dan kering. Agar kulit tetap cantik warnanya dalam waktu yang lama, Anda bisa mengoleskan lapisan susu atau gliserin pada kulit sebelum dikumpulkan, agar bisa disimpan dalam waktu lama tanpa berubah warna.
  • Perbedaan antara Kulit Asli dan Kulit Imitasi
    Perbedaan antara Kulit Asli dan Kulit Imitasi Oct 27, 2022
    Dermis Kulit Asli mengacu pada semua jenis kulit asli yang dilucuti dari hewan, seperti kulit sapi, kulit babi, kulit domba, kulit buaya, dll. Kulit kepala langsung diproses dari kulit mentah berbagai hewan, atau kulit tebal sapi, babi, kuda dan hewan lainnya dipotong menjadi lapisan atas dan bawah setelah pencabutan, dan bagian atas dengan jaringan berserat rapat diolah menjadi berbagai kulit kepala. Misalnya, kulit sapi yang paling umum dalam kehidupan dibagi menjadi lapisan pertama dan lapisan kedua. Lapisan kedua kulit, juga dikenal sebagai kulit berlapis film, terdiri dari lapisan kedua kulit binatang atau bahan sisa yang pecah dan resin PU. Lapisan kedua kulit umumnya lebih lemah dari lapisan pertama kulit sapi dalam hal ketangguhan, rasa dan ketahanan aus. Meski memiliki kualitas kulit, namun tidak memiliki kulit asli. berbahan dasar kulit Berbahan dasar kulit mengacu pada kulit buatan, atau kulit buatan. Produk umum termasuk PU, PVC dan microfiber. Kadang-kadang beberapa bisnis suka menambahkan kata "kulit" setelah nama tersebut saat menulis bahan pada label untuk membingungkan masyarakat. Misalnya kulit PU dan kulit microfiber, tapi bukan kulit asli. Kulit ultrafiber, PU biasa dan PVC adalah produk kulit sintetis buatan pada tahap pengembangan yang berbeda dan tingkat teknis yang berbeda. Lapisan permukaan kulit microfiber dan PU biasa adalah resin poliuretan, PU biasa terbuat dari kain rajutan, kain tenun atau kain bukan tenunan sebagai bahan dasarnya, lalu dilapisi dengan resin poliuretan. Kulit mikrofiber terbuat dari kain non-anyaman serat prima dengan struktur tiga dimensi sebagai kain dasar, dilapisi dengan resin poliuretan berkinerja tinggi. Kulit serat super umumnya lebih unggul dari kulit buatan lainnya dalam hal kulit imitasi dan kinerja praktis. Secara umum, harga produk kulit lebih tinggi dari produk kulit imitasi, terutama kulit lapis pertama, yang cenderung membuat orang merasa bahwa kulit lebih baik daripada kulit buatan. Faktanya, bukan itu masalahnya. Dalam banyak kasus, harga kulit disebabkan oleh kelangkaan sumbernya dan rumitnya proses pengolahan kulit hewan. Namun, dengan perkembangan teknologi, banyak sifat bagus dari kulit buatan yang tidak dapat dicapai oleh kulit, seperti kulit mikrofiber WINIW, karena kuat dan tahan aus, Kehilangan rendah, tidak membunuh, sangat dihormati di Eropa dan Amerika Serikat , secara bertahap menjadi bahan pilihan untuk menggantikan kulit.  
  • Is faux leather good for bags?
    Is faux leather good for bags? Jun 24, 2024
    How is the quality of faux leather? The quality of faux leather can vary depending on various factors, such as the, manufacturing process, and materials used. Faux leather is an artificial material designed to mimic the look and feel of genuine leather. It is typically made from a fabric base that is coated or treated with a synthetic material like polyurethane (PU) or polyvinyl chloride (PVC). Advancements in manufacturing processes have made it possible to create high faux leather that closely resembles genuine leather in terms of appearance and texture. In some cases, faux leather can be difficult to distinguish from real leather without close inspection. The quality of faux leather can be influenced by factors such as the thickness and durability of the coating, the craftsmanship of the production, and the overall attention to detail. Compared to genuine leather, faux leather tends to be more affordable, easier to care for, and can be produced in a wider range of colors and finishes. However, it is important to note that faux leather generally has a shorter lifespan and may not develop the same patina or age as gracefully as genuine leather. High-quality faux leather can still be long-lasting, but it may not possess the same natural characteristics and unique qualities that genuine leather offers.    Is faux leather good for bags? Faux leather can be a good choice for bags, depending on your preferences and needs. Faux leather is a synthetic material designed to mimic the look and feel of real leather. It can be less expensive than genuine leather and is often more resistant to stains and scratches. Faux leather is also typically easier to clean and maintain compared to real leather. However, it's important to note that faux leather may not have the same durability, aging characteristics, or luxurious feel as genuine leather. Over time, faux leather may show signs of wear and tear, and it may not develop the same patina or softness that real leather does with use. If you prioritize affordability, ease of maintenance, and a wide range of style options, faux leather bags can be a practical and fashionable choice. However, if you value the durability, longevity, and natural texture of genuine leather, you may prefer to invest in a real leather bag. Ultimately, the decision between faux leather and genuine leather depends on your personal preferences, budget, and the specific characteristics you desire in a bag.   How long do faux leather bags last? The lifespan of faux leather bags can vary depending on several factors, such as the of the material, the construction of the bag, and how well it is cared for. Generally, a well-made and well-cared-for faux leather bag can last several years. To extend the lifespan of a faux leather bag, consider the following tips: 1. Keep the bag away from direct sunlight and extreme temperatures, as these factors can cause the material to deteriorate. 2. Avoid overstuffing the bag, as it can lead to stretching or misshaping the material. 3. Clean the bag regularly using a mild soap or detergent and a soft cloth. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive materials that can damage the surface. 4. Store the bag in a dust bag or a clean, dry place when not in use to protect it from dust, moisture, and potential scratches. 5. Handle the bag with care and avoid excessive pulling or tugging on straps and handles.  
  • Discover Why WINIW Manufacturer is the Leading PU Microfiber Gift Box Cover Leather Material Supplier in China
    Discover Why WINIW Manufacturer is the Leading PU Microfiber Gift Box Cover Leather Material Supplier in China Nov 05, 2024
    In the bustling world of manufacturing, where quality and innovation are paramount, WINIW Manufacturer stands tall as the preeminent supplier of PU Microfiber Gift Box Cover Leather Material in China. Our factory, with its deep roots in the industry and a commitment to excellence, has earned the trust and loyalty of numerous B2B clients across the globe. Here, we invite you to explore the reasons why partnering with WINIW is the strategic choice for your business. Advanced Manufacturing Capabilities At WINIW, we boast state-of-the-art production lines equipped with the latest technology in PU microfiber manufacturing. Our precision machinery and automated processes ensure consistent quality and efficient production, meeting even the most stringent B2B requirements. With a capacity to handle large-scale orders while maintaining precision, we're your reliable partner for bulk supplies. Unmatched Quality Control Quality is our hallmark. WINIW's rigorous quality control systems encompass every stage of production, from raw material sourcing to finished product inspection. We utilize advanced testing equipment to ensure that each batch of PU microfiber leather meets or exceeds industry standards. This commitment to quality has earned us ISO certifications and a reputation for reliability among B2B clients. Innovative Product Range Staying ahead in the competitive market requires innovation. WINIW continuously invests in research and development to bring forth a diverse range of PU microfiber materials tailored for gift box covers. Our designer textures and color palettes cater to diverse market trends, ensuring your products stand out in a crowded marketplace. Our B2B clients appreciate our ability to customize solutions to meet their unique branding needs. Sustainable Practices As a responsible manufacturer, WINIW embraces sustainability. Our production processes are designed to minimize environmental impact, and we source eco-friendly raw materials. By choosing WINIW, B2B clients contribute to a greener planet while enjoying high-quality PU microfiber leather materials. Our commitment to sustainability aligns with global trends and enhances brand reputation. Efficient Logistics and Support Our robust logistics network ensures timely delivery, no matter where your business is located. Plus, our dedicated customer support team is always on standby to address any queries or concerns, ensuring a seamless B2B experience. Partnering with WINIW means having a reliable backend that supports your business growth. Conclusion In summary, WINIW Manufacturer is not just a supplier; we are a strategic partner committed to your business success. Our advanced manufacturing, unmatched quality, innovative products, sustainable practices, and efficient logistics make us the leading choice for PU Microfiber Gift Box Cover Leather Material in China. Join our growing list of satisfied B2B clients and discover the WINIW advantage today.

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